Brighton Palace Pier was one of the last piers to be constructed in England. Designed by R St George Moore, it was to be built solely as an amusement and pleasure emporium. At 1,760ft (533.3m) in length, and boasting a wider than usual deck, the pier had everything the discerning tripper could wish for. A 1,500-seater pavilion at the seaward end was complimented by smaller pavilions containing dining rooms, grill rooms, smoking rooms and reading rooms.
There were ornamental arches for the electrical illuminations, and an electric tramway ran up the centre. Provision for bathers at the pier head, and a landing stage for pleasure craft completed the picture. A contemporary report at the time stated that Brighton Palace Pier was "unequalled by any similar undertaking in the United Kingdom". It had taken an unprecedented 10 years to complete, a record for any British pier.

Me and my sister decide to drive down to Brighton from where we live which is about an hour and 40minutes drive. on our way, from the M25 joining in to the M23 traffic was very huge, after spending about 10minutes in the traffic it began to clear up and we continued our trip. I was driving while Sophia was watching ahead. Finally we made it to the Brighton pier, so we were looking for where to park our car somewhere close to where we could get food and walk to the sea side. But every where was occupied by cars and people were spread everywhere.
So I drove down to the end of the beach where there is a car park, finally I parked and pay for two hours which is £2. After taking some shoot we went to change into our swim wear inside the car. Since we haven't eaten all morning, we decide to eat something before going into the sea. We walked about 25 minutes to the beginning where there are food shops around. We got to a shop ordered fish & chips and burger & chips, didnt enjoy the food though, had some drinks and water.
Walked to the shore were we could spread our picnic mat on floor and drop our stuff. By this time it's almost 2hrs and i needed cash to repay for my parking ticket for another 2hrs, so I used the 25minutes left before my ticket expired to pick up the car and drive to an ATM for some cash. On my way towards where i parked, the fatique kicked in, i started feeling somehow different, finally i got to where the car was 10minutes past the 2hrs. I lost my strenght, felt dizzy got into the car to regain my strenght, relaxed for 5minutes before i could move the car.
While driving little queue of cars were on the road due to coach bus loading on the road. Finally I came out of the queue got to the the centre saw a Barclays Bank, parked then went to the ATM try to withdraw some money the machine couldn't withdraw because I had taken the max amount for the day. I left my other bank cards with my sister at the sea side only took one with me that I frequently use. The frustration was getting into me, I was so pissed off with myself because I needed to parked the car and pay for my ticket then get into the water and cool myself because I was burning from the sun.
So I drove back to the pier looking for space to park with a £1 I have for an hour, didn't see any space drove up and down no space yet, traffic building up I was getting frustrated. So as my last resort I parked in a electric car charger bay hoping I wouldn't be caught. Went back to my sister told her the story, thought maybe we could quick to swim and get to the car ASAP. I was carried away by the coolness of the sea water and we swam long enough for about an hour or more than.
I enjoyed myself from the salty water entering my eyes, mouth and ears. Then started to park up to leave. We got to where the car was and I already been giving a ticket for parking there, and I needed to pay £35 within 14days or £70 within 28days. I was a bit sad but again I caused it if I hadn't parked there I wouldn't have been given a ticket.
So we changed back to tried clothes and went to Travellodge hotel where we stay from saturday till wednesday, I couldnt be borther to take more pictures because i just wanna relax. On wednesday we checked out after grabbing something to eat we headed our way home. The motorways was cleared so I had a smooth drive and Sophia slept half of the trip home. Got home, unpacked, showered and had something to eat. So I payed for the ticket on time when we got home.

The Brighton Marine Palace and Pieris a pleasure pier in Brighton, England. It is generally known as the Palace Pierfor short, but has been informally renamed Brighton Pier since 2000 by its owners, the Noble Organisation, as it is now Brighton's only non-derelict pier. The West Pier was its rival but was closed in 1975 and was subsequently severely damaged by fires and storms, with the remaining iron structure being partially demolished in 2010.

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